Here is a quick round-up of some of the dairy-free Easter eggs I spotted on the Tesco website. I’ve also included a Tiktok I shared the other day of dairy free Easter eggs which are £4 and under in store at the moment.
I know we’re closing in on Easter now and it seems there’s a bigger range in my local Tesco store than online but hopefully this will give you a bit of an idea of what you can find.
@dairyfreedaisy Lots of DAIRY FREE Easter Eggs at @tesco at the moment. #dairyfreeuk #dairyfreelife #dairyfreeeaster #veganeastereggs ♬ original sound – daisy
As always, please do double check all ingredients to ensure they’re in-line with your allergy or ethics.

Wicked Kitchen Fruity Chocolate Egg – £5
Wicked Kitchen have a few dairy free Easter options this year including Benny The Bunny Easter cupcakes. This Fruity Chocolate Eggs sounds pretty good to me. It’s a blackcurrant chocolate egg with crisped rice and freeze dried raspberry pieces. I wish it also came with a little bag of eggs or buttons for the price.

Tesco Free From Cluckie Chick Adventure Hunt
It’s so good to see cute and fun options for little kids within the dairy free section. This is an Easter hunt with 10 chocolate flavoured characters inside. It’s not available online any more but you may be able to find it in your local Tesco store.

Nomo Little Monster Egg And Lolly
NOMO have so many good Easter Egg options out this year and most of them now seem to be under £4 in my local store. This Little Monster Egg is a new edition for the brand. It has fun and colourful packaging which is ideal for little ones who are dairy free.

Divine Dark Chocolate With Raspberries Easter Egg
Chocolate and raspberry is a solid combo in my opinion. Divine is a true classic when it comes to dark chocolate and dairy free Easter eggs. They’re also a brand with a strong mission – to help end exploitation in the cocoa industry.

Wicked Kitchen – Benny The Bunny
A cute and fun option from Wicked Kitchen this Easter. It’s not technically an egg but we’re including it anyway.