Hello, I’m Daisy!
Welcome to Dairy Free Daisy.
On this blog I’ll be documenting my dairy free journey and lifestyle. This will include my experiences with dairy intolerance and eczema, sharing dairy free food reviews, lots of recipes and through my travels, the best places to eat.
You can read about my dairy free story here.
I hope to adapt and improve upon my cookery and baking skills throughout this journey. Baking is the one time that I truly cut off from everything else. I’m not a professional but I do make a mean batch of brownies and an even better batch of bagels.
When I first started cutting out dairy it was hard. My friends were all cheese fiends, as was I. There also weren’t as many dairy free alternatives on the market back then.
Slowly but surely I’ve managed to transition into a dairy free life and make free-from versions of my favourite foods. As the years have gone by the demand for dairy-free and vegan food has increased so there are always new products hitting the market.
I honestly don’t feel like I’m missing out these days.
I want Dairy Free Daisy to show you that being dairy free isn’t as daunting as it first seems.
Quitting dairy isn’t scary in 2022, there are so many alternatives available.
You’ll find a wide variety of recipes here on DFD. They will all be dairy free and you’ll even find a bunch of vegan recipes and products too.
If you have any questions, recipe requests or products you’d like me to review then just drop me a message on Twitter, Tiktok or email me.